@article{oai:kagawa-puhs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000363, author = {植村, 裕子 and 木戸, 久美子 and Uemura, Yuko and Kido, Kumiko}, journal = {香川県立保健医療大学雑誌, Journal of Kagawa Prefectural University of Health Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 公益財団法人日本医療機能評価機構の医療事故情報収集等事業では医療機関から医療事故情報を収集し,毎年公表している.本研究は,この医療事故情報を用いて助産師における医療事故情報のデータを分析し,事故の影響,助産師経験年数による医療事故内容を比較検討することを目的とした.分析対象は,医療事故情報の報告年2010 ~ 2021 年,第1 当事者の職種は助産師とした.事故の発生状況等を収集し,事故の要因の根本原因分析を行った.第1 当事者が助産師による11 年間の医療事故は98 件,事故の概要は療養上の世話,発生場所は病室,発生時間は16 時以降18 時までの発生が多かった.事故後の医療は7 割に実施され,そのうち8 割は軽微から濃厚な治療を受けていた.医療事故の当事者は経験年数が平均10 年,3 ~ 15 年未満が5 割を占めた.医療事故の発生要因は,当事者に関わる要因が9 割を占め,そのなかで「確認を怠った」,「観察を怠った」要因が多かった.医療事故の影響と発生要因の比較では「連携ができていなかった」は事故の影響が有意に認められ,助産師の経験年数と発生要因の比較では3 ~ 15 年未満の助産師は「連携ができていなかった」が有意に多かった.助産師は経験年数に関わらず,医療を提供する時には,2 人以上で確認や観察を丁寧に行い,緊急時における早急な対応ができるような多職種との連携を強化することが医療安全につながる., The Japan Council for Quality Health Care collects information on medical accidents from medical institutions to publish annually. This study aimed to analyze the data on medical accidents among midwives using information provided by the Council for Quality Health Care and to compare the impact of accidents and their content according to the years of midwifery experience. Medical accidents that occurred between 2010 to 2021, where the first party was a midwife, were included in the analysis for this study. Circumstances of the accidents were collected and a root cause analysis of the factors contributing to the accidents was conducted. There were 98 medical accidents in which the first party was a midwife. Most accidents were under nursing care, and occurred in hospital rooms between 16:00 and 18:00. Post-accident medical care was provided to 70% of the patients. Of these, 80% received minor to intensive treatment. Midwives had an average of 10 years of experience, and 50% had less than 3–15 years of experience. Factors related to the parties involved accounted for 90% of the medical accidents. Among these, “failure to check” and “failure to observe” were the most common factors. A comparison of the degree of the accident and the factors that caused it showed that “there was no coordination,” which had a significant impact on the accident.  In a comparison of midwives' years of experience and the factors that caused, midwives with less than 3–15 years of experience were significantly more likely to say that “there was no coordination.” Regardless of their years of experience, midwives should carefully check and observe of mother and baby with two or more people and strengthen cooperation with multiple professions when providing medical care to respond promptly in an emergency and ensure medical safety.}, pages = {27--33}, title = {助産師による医療事故情報の分析}, volume = {14}, year = {2023}, yomi = {ウエムラ, ユウコ and キド, クミコ} }